Hey penguins! Its Dan and I'm sorry 4 not posting. That's because my dad just bought me a DSi. I've been playing with it so much that I forgot about clubpenguin! lol
wazzup its marcojelly10 and i was just wondering if u could make it to the clubpenguincheatgangs 1000 hits party it will be at october 22 server: hibernate time:3:00 pst (check clock at snow forts)room:town it would be awsome if you could make it and if u cud tell evryone u no Thx Marcojelly10:)
I'm Danlour, I live in Australia. I am 14 years old. I'm super good at maths. I love playing club penguin and sports. In CP I mostly go on the server Sleet or Frozen. If they both are full I go to Ice Berg. I have another penguin called Tomtom7000. My birthday is on 2nd of June 1995.
1 Penguins commenting cuz they rock!:
wazzup its marcojelly10 and i was just wondering if u could make it to the clubpenguincheatgangs 1000 hits party it will be at october 22 server: hibernate time:3:00 pst (check clock at snow forts)room:town
it would be awsome if you could make it and if u cud tell evryone u no
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