Friday, January 30, 2009

New CP Pin Cheat-Lily Pin

Here is the new Clubpenguin pin cheat!

!!Warning this is a girly pin!!
Step 1. Click on the map
Step 2. Click the Beach
Step 3. Go in the lighthouse and go in the beacon
Step 4. Click the Lily Pin

CP Member Icon Update

Cool! Now you can know a penguin that is a member. When you click on someones playecard, you will see a member badge icon.

Heres my buddies playercard:

Thursday, January 29, 2009

New CP Snow and Sports Catalog Cheats

here are the hiddin items in the Snow and Sport Catalog Cheats

Step 1. Click the Map in the lower left
Step 2. Click on "Ski Village"
Step 3. Go into the Winter Sport Shop
Step 4. Now, click the catalog in the lower rightHeres how to find the hidden Silver Surfboard

Step 1. Click on the 6th page

Step 2. Click the green penguin's surfboard

Step 3. Next Click on the sea shell

Step 4. Finally click on the star fish

Silver Surfboard is Winter?! Kinda Wierd, huh?

Heres how to find the new climbing gear and the hiking boots!

Step 1. Click the 8th page of the catalog

Step 2. Click the climbing wall

also the sign in the lodge attic has change February Fun to March Fun :(Dont you think its bad!

Paint by Letters Update

Hey Guys! Tomorrow in the Book Room, there will be a brand new Paint By Letters book. Here's a sneak peek about the"Lime Green Dojo Clean Book":

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow and Sport Catalog Sneak Peek!

The Fiesta Party is over, but this Friday there will be a new snow and sport catalog. Check out this awesome sneak peek:I think the furniture on the left is a rock climbing item. what item do you think is on the right?

Monday, January 26, 2009

CP Nintendo DS Game International Update

Finally CP will realease the Elite Penguin Force DS game in other countries. They do not have a specific date, but it should be on shelves this spring! The game is already available in English for some Lantin American countries, but it will soon be in United Kingdom and Australia.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Winter Fiesta Party and Free Item Cheats

Check This! The Winter Fiesta Party is finally here! Heres the new free item cheats. Pick Up the Mini Sumbrero hat at the Cove.
What! Only one free item?!

Also theres a new postcard!
Have fun at the party! Whats your favourite place my favourite place is the Night Club

Dance Game Sketches by Screenhog

Screenhog is showing us one of his sketches for the Dance Contest Game. These are the first drawings of what the dance game look like

Pretty cool! Does it look familiar to any of you?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

CP Fiesta Party 2009 News

The Fiesta party will be running from January 23-25. Cool new decorations and surprises will come along with itHere are the Up coming Events:

Fiesta Party Sneek Peek

Hey Guys! Heres a Sneek Peek for the Fiesta Party. It starts this Friday

Dance contest game difficult mode cheats

Here is a pretty cool cheat, you have to follow these steps to play a difficult mode in CP contest game.

Step 1. Go in the night club
Step 2. Play the Dance Contest game
Step 3. Click New Game
Step 4. Choose any song you want
Step 5. Click on Cadence

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How to become a Secret Agent!

1. Wait until your penguin is 30 days old. You can tell by clicking on the question mark (?) in the chat bar.

2. Click on the Moderator badge in the top right corner of your screen.

3. Take the quiz and answer the quiz using the answers below.

Q. Are you ready to become a secret agent?
A. Yes

Q. Pick one quality that you think a secret agent should have.
A. Honest

Q. Pick the correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator.
A. Being mean or rude

Q. What would you do if you saw a penguin breaking the rules?
A. Report them

Q. What type of personal information should be reported?
A. Saying their address

Q. Pick one reason you want to be a secret agent.
A. I want to keep Club Penguin safe

Q. Pick another reason you want to be a secret agent.
A. I want to help other penguins

4. Finish the Quiz

5.Go onto another room or Log off then Log back on CP. If your application was accepted you'll have a spy phone on top of your map. Click on the phone and from there you can teleport to any room or to Agent Headquarters (HQ). It also has some tools on it.

How to become aTour Guide!

How to Become A Tour Guide!
Well, first of you have to be at least 45 days to join, plus you have to take a quiz before you are officially a tour Guide.
To take the Quiz, click on the tour stand in the ski village.
There are 15 different questions on the quiz, but you only get seven questions in one quiz.

Here are Quiz answers to all possible 15 Questions:

1.)Which room has a cuckoo clock?
A:Ski Lodge

2.)Which of these rooms doesn’t have music playing in the background?
A:Pet Shop

3.)What’s the name of the big fish in Ice Fishing?

4.)In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
A:Boiler Room

5.)Which puffle can catch on fire?

6.)How does the pink puffle play?
A:Skips with a skipping rope

7.)Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?
A:The Beach

8.)How do you get a pin?
A:Walk on top of it

9.)What’s the name of Captain Rockhopper’s ship?
A:The Migrator

10.)What item is always hidden in a different place in the clothing catalog every month?
A:The Viking Helmet

11.)How much does it cost to buy a player card background?

12.)How many sled racing track are there?

13.)What item is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of Bean Counters?
A:A flower Pot

14.)Which of these games has a shark in it?
A: Ice Fishing

15.)What day does the newspaper come out?

After you have taken the quiz, click the Receive Tour Guide Hat button. When you are done, you should have the tour guide hat in your inventory! Congratulations, you are officially a tour guide!

Start Up Screen and Member Badge!

Have you seen it yet? Today Clubpenguin has made a new Start up screen. It's much better than the other one. Heres an exampleMembers also will get a member badge on their player card. This badge gives the member penguins to access to members events, games and parties. And also the edit player icon on the chat bar for members has change from the star to a member badge.

Igloo catalouge cheats and new pin

The igloo catalouge has arived heres some cheats
The Taco pin is located in the snow forts
Click the Terracotta Sun for a superhero poster
and click the velvet rope for a welcome mat

Member Party has arrived

The member party is here!
Pick up the boombox radio just over your spy phone in the night club
( Sorry, I couldn't use Danlour to post because his a non member!) Check out the cool dance, here's how to do the cool dance
1) Take everything off and wear the boombox(hand item)
2) Dance by clicking D and thats it!
There is also a new room for the members, Here's how they look like
This is how the night club looks like: This is how the Dance lounge looks like: This is how the roof looks like: There's also a really cool dance contest game.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hello, Im Danlour!

Im Dan and my name on CP is Danlour. I am looking foward to see you! This will be great

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Funny Pictures!

Hey Penguins! Welcome to Dan's funny picture page. Just a note that newer pictures are usually placed at the top of this page. So you don't need to scroll down to see the newer pictures. ;D

Tomtom has his own building!Tomtom caught a starfish!
Tomtom is Spiderman!
Are those poops?
The black puffle pushed tomtom into that hole.
That’s it for the funny pictures! Check back for more!