Thursday, April 30, 2009

CP Wig Challenge!

Loads of penguins had wig parties on CP lately for the challenge. CP has picked their favorite wig party picture. Here’s Club Penguin’s favorite: Also, remember that on Friday the new Penguin Style catalog comes out.

CP Beacon Light Cheat!

Ok, I was hanging out with my friends at the beacon. Then I accidentally clicked the ON/OFF button in the light place. What do you know? The light turned off! Cool huh? I think this is from the Easter Egg Hunt for the last egg.Is this is a new idea or just a glitch that cp forgot to clear? Do you think It will stay like that forever?!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Penguin Style & a challenge sneak peek!

On Friday, CP will release a new Penguin Style catalog! There will be lots of wigs in the catalog. Check out this sneak peek of the new Penguin Style catalog:Club Penguin will be hosting a challenge too! What you have to do is have wig parties on Club Penguin! And the cool thing is... CP Moderators will be on the lookout for a cool screen shots to feature on Wednesday's blog.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Danlour saw Wwe Adam for the 1st time!!!

Wwe Adam was spotted today. Wwe Adam is the famous penguin. Ok, when I got into a server Frozen at the dock, I suddenly saw Wwe Adam! He was making a mini party for about 5 minutes. Heres a picture of him making the mini party:Did you know i've meet many famous penguin. Heres a list of famous penguins that i've meet before:

Wwe Adam
Blackd boy47
Helen 2k5

and many more!

CP Rockhopper in Disney World Update

Remember I told you about Rockhopper is coming to Walt Disney World in Florida? But now, Club Penguin says Rockhopper will be visiting Disney’s Hollywood Studios too! Do you think Rockhopper will be talking like a real pirate? Or just be waving and hugging and do something like that to people? If you get a chance to go there, be sure to take some pictures and tell me all about it

Saturday, April 25, 2009

CP Sledding and Dance contest game updates

CP's oldest game Sled Racing, and the new game Dance contest were both updated today. Sled racing now has a toboggan available at the Ski Hill. You can buy it for 300 coins.Here’s how the toboggan catalog looks like:The toboggan is 300 coins and its only for members. If you wear it, and play sled racing, you'll go faster. Here’s a picture of of my friend sledding with the toboggan:

There is new music added for sled racing too. Dance contest also has some new songs. Here are all of the songs in the Dance contest:

1. Patrick’s Jig
2. Go West
3. Let’s Bounce

Friday, April 24, 2009

Domain update

Hey guys! Danlour's here. Remember about the changing domain poll? Click here to see it if you forgot. Today, I've decided to not to vote the poll. But, I created a new domain. Here are the list of domains you could use:

The New Tree Pin

Hey Guys Matt26187 Here ,

Hello Penguins,

The New Pin is out and it is a tree which is located at the Dojo Courtyard:

Thats All For Now

Waddle On


Medieval Party Updates

Hey Matt26187 Posting,
Hello Penguins!

Where do knights go to get something to eat?To an “all knight” diner!
The Medievial Party is Coming up May 8th So Penguins I Got an Exclusive Sneek Peek Picture:

I think that this picture is the town or plaza hmm???

I’ve heard tales of a dragon in the Mine… and that the Coffee Shop and Pizza Parlor will be fit for royalty (and jesters, too)! For members, there will be a Knight’s Quest that we hope you’ll think is really fun. The Medieval Party will go from May 8 - 17th, so get ready to costume up and use your imagination all over the island!

Also Club Penguin has a New Starter For The Medivial Party:

Thats All For Now

Waddle On


New Author.... Matt

OK guys, I(Danlour) added an author to my site for the first time. You may not know him but his my friend/buddy. He has work at many sites. His penguin is right under my post!He will help me too!

Matt26187 New Author

Hey Guys Matt26187 Here :),
Hello Penguins,
I have asked to join Danlour’s Club Penguin Cheats site, I will be sometimes be posting and helping out and much more stuff here is a pic of my player card on Club Penguin:

So Penguins Stay Tuned in this site for The Best Club Penguin Cheats, Hints, Glitches and much more This site will be update usually.

Thats All For Now

Waddle On


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Club Penguin News

CP has released the newspaper! It has some information about getting paid for being a secret agent or tour guide on Club Penguin! Aww man! Not much coins you'll get! You’ll recieve 250 coins for each job at the end of each month through penguin mail.Here's the events, and tomorrow marks a new pin, dance contest music, and snow boarding toboggans!

CP Sled Racing Update

On Friday, Club Penguin’s oldest game Sled Racing will be updated. It is one of the five original games that have been around since Club Penguin was created! On Friday, you'll be able to buy a toboggan and ride down the hill with it. Another update will be added too! Music will be added! Games with music are more fun right guys?
That's all for now!
Waddle on!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Penguins Getting Paid

CP had announced, if your a Tour Guide or a PSA Agent, you will start to get paid every month by helping out around the Club Penguin island! (Starting May 1st).
Aunt Arctic will be updating for us with more info soon... What will you do with your earned coins?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rockhopper vissiting Disney World!!!

Hey Guys! our pirate penguin, Rockhopper, will be visiting and making an in-person appearance in Walt Disney World in Florida. He'll arrive at the park on April 30th and be there until May 13th.During the time with Rockhopper in the Park, if you get the chance to go, I would really love to hear what it's like meeting him in-person!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

CP Igloo Upgrades Flooring

CP has finally released the new Igloo Upgrades flooring. Here is the cover:Here are some of the available floors for your igloo:The Pink Carpet, and Dark Stone Tile are both new floors. What do you think of the new igloo flooring?

Club Penguin News

CP has released the newspaper and there are many new info's! There will be a new toboggan sled available on April 24th. It’s an improvement, and you will be able to get the new gear at the top of the Ski Hill.There will be another game improvement too! There will be new songs for members on April 24th at the Night Club! Also, check out the upcoming events.

Friday, April 17, 2009

CP Better Igloos Furniture Cheats

CP has released the new Better Igloos catalog. Here are the cheats:

Here’s how to get the Wheelbarrow:

1. Go to the 1st page of the catalog.
2. Click on the Poodle Plant.

Here’s how to find the Picket Fence:

1. Go to the 2nd page of the catalog.
2. Click on the right corn plant.

Here’s how to find the Disco Ball:

1. Go to the 4th page of the catalog.
2. Click on the Red Guitar.

Here’s how to find the White Puffle Poster:

1. Go to the 7th page of the catalog.
2. Click on the word "Puffle".

Here’s how to find the Ice Table:

1. Go to the 8th page of the catalog.
2. Click on the Koi Pond.

Here’s how to find the Aquarium:

1. Go to the 10th page of the catalog.
2. Click on the Pinata.

Wow! That was hard, this may be my longest post.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

CP Happy77 Gardening Furniture Sneak Peek

A new Better Igloos catalog will be released tomorrow. Happy77 has showed us some pictures of the items that will be in the catalog soon. There will be loads of gardening furnitures.

Happy77 also has interviewed an artist who helps designing the items for the Better Igloos furniture catalog. Here’s their interview:

Where do you get your ideas for making furniture and items for igloos?
We love getting ideas from players and it’s fun to pay attention to what’s going on in the game. If players are saying they want something, we try to make it!

Have you ever considered making couches out of candy?
Yes. I remember there was talk about it around the holidays. So far we haven’t but we’ll have to wait and see.

What’s your fave furniture item of all time?
I really like the Koi Pond because of the animated fish. I have three in my igloo.

CP Elite Penguin Force DS Game News!

Many penguins in Australia & New Zealand have been waiting so long for the Elite Penguin Force DS game. The Nintendo Club Penguin DS game will be available in Australia and New Zealand this week!In the other news, there will be a new Better Igloos furniture catalog on Friday. There will be lots of plants and gardening gear in it!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

CP Medieval Party Sneak Peek

CP has looked at the votes for the Medieval party background, and they said the winner is choice 3. This background will be available in a catalog from May 8th-17th(I'm not sure which catalog!) . Check the background out:And here's sneak peek of the Medieval party:CP will also be having a special thing for member penguins again. Some cool stuffs from the medieval party are going to be back! Hope they bring some cool free item for non-members!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Choosing Domain

Today, I know some of you are a bit board to type in this site's domain. So from now on I'll make the domain shorter. Firstly you guys have to vote which domain is the best. If this site domain is changed, wont be the site domain. The site will not be this site. So here's a poll to choose witch one is the best domain.

Make sure you vote, because the poll will be due next month.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Club Penguin Easter Egg Hunt Cheats

The Easter party is here! There is a hunt to find 8 eggs hidden by Sensei. To start, click on the egg near the moderator sign in the top right corner of your screen. It will give you clues/hints.

Here’s how to find the first egg:

1. Go to the Town.

2. Click on the Night Club light.

Here’s how to find the second egg:

1. Go to the Cove.

2. Click on the egg in the water.

Here’s how to find the third egg:

1. Go to the Mine.

2. Click on the Mine Shack.

3. Click on the cave, then the egg in the cart.

Here’s how to find the fourth egg:

1. Go to the Dojo Courtyard.

2. Click on the egg in the light.

Here’s how to find the fifth egg:

1. Go to the Town.

2. Click on the Gift Shop.

3. Click on the gray hat, then the egg.

Here’s how to find the sixth egg:

1. Go to the Ski Lodge.

2. Put your cursor on the box and click on the egg near the fish that will appear.

Here’s how to find the seventh egg:

1. Go to the Ski Hill.

2. Click on top of the pole and an egg will appear.

Here’s how to find the eighth egg:

1. Go to the the Beacon.

2. Click on the light switch to turn the light off, then click the egg.

Once you have found all of the eggs, you can claim your prize. The prize is a Pink Bunny Ears. That was pretty fun right?And finally the pin. It is called a Chocolate bunny pin, It is located in the Forest

Club Penguin Newspaper

CP has released another newspaper! There’s many secrets in it. Tomorrow, the Easter Egg hunt will start! Sensei will be hiding eggs for us to find. check out the new upcoming events:Tomorrow is going to be a big day! The Easter Egg hunt, new pin and new play at the stage.

CP Easter Egg Practice

CP has posted this tiny pictures for us to try figure out what the rooms they are. This is a really good way for us to practice finding Easter Eggs that will be hidden tomorrow. Heres the pictureDo you know all of the ten Club Penguin rooms? If you do, post a comment with your answers. Let’s find them all!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Club Penguin Medieval Party News

There’s a party coming to Club Penguin in May! There will be a new background, which you can choose by commenting on the CP Blog!Let me know which you think is the best! The best one will be put into a special catalog for the Medieval party this May!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

CP Coins for Change News

Last year, more than 2.5 million penguins donated over 3 billion Club Penguin coins! We penguins are so generous.

Here are some questions and answers that Happy77 posted on the CP blog.

Q: What’s the best part of the Coins For Change campaign?
A: Seeing how much penguins around the globe want to make the world a better place!

Q: When have you been the proudest of the Club Penguin community?
A: When they show how much they care for each other and the world around them by giving to something they believe in that will benefit others they don’t even know!

Q: If you could tell the community one thing, what would it be?
A: Every single penguin can make a difference in the world when they come together for a common cause - just look what’s been done this past Coins For Change!