Friday, March 6, 2009

Screenhog's hidden item in Migrator

Screenhog has made a puzzle for us about finding hidden items on the Migrator. It’s kinda like that game iSpy. Use the pictures below to find the items.
The artists hid a lot of stuff on Rockhopper’s ship when they built it. Think that you can find them all? Explore the Migrator and try to find all of these things:
- A crown-

7 treasure chests

- 3 puffle toys (one for the black puffle, one for the purple puffle, one for the blue puffle)

- The camera that was given to Rockhopper by Aunt Arctic

- 9 barrels

- A set of golf clubs

- 2 flags that can wave in the breeze

- 2 green buckets

- Yarr’s bed

- A feather

- A mop

- Bambadee’s friendship bracelet (read “Rockhopper and the Stowaway” in the Book Room if you don’t know what this is)

- Two purple octopus

In other news, tomorrow the white puffle will be up for adoption, and a new penguin style catalog comes out! I’ll be posting right away, so stay tuned!

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