Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Language on CP, Espanol

Yo guys! I was on Club penguin and I was really bored. I randomly clicked on the language button and I noticed that Espanol language was there.I logged in and went to the town. It was crowded so I took a picture!While I was WaDdliNG I found my ID! It was 47716619. Im now 582 days old! Theres also a new Play Button. Thnx Techdeckguy for the new play button cheat!

Monday, June 29, 2009

DJ3K Cheats!

Yo guys! Now, you can play the DJ3K game with your puffle!!! Only if your a member you can do this. Just go to your igloo and take your yellow puffle. Open the map and go to the town. Go into the night club and play the DJ3K! And your yellow puffle will be dancing at the back of you while playing DJ3K!Pretty fun huh? Ok that's it Waddle OfF!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dan's Changing Costume...

Yo Guys! I'm just telling that I have changed Danlour's costume. From this:To this:I've just unlocked the blue cape so yeah!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy77 talks music

Hey Dude, It's Dan! Happy77 had an interview with the CP team about the new music! The new music is coming this Friday at the Night Club.Q: There's a lot of music in Club Penguin. How you do decide what music goes where?
A: We'd like the music to support the feeling of the areas and the party themes.

Q: What's your favorite part of making music and sound effects?
A: Working with music and sound effects (sfx) is creative and fun, and we hope it adds another dimension to everyone's experiences on the island.

Q: At last year's Music Jam party, I seem to remember music called "bubble pop" - is that short for bubble gum pop? Are there other kinds of candy music?
A: With that song we were originally inspired by the Bubblegum Pop style of music. But with music this sweet, it's all candy.

That's it...


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

CP DJ3K Music Updates!

Yo guys! Wick! A! Waa! Waa!
On Friday you'll find some new music in your igloo. Also there will be a DJ3K update in the Night Club. Members will be able to purchase AwEsOMe music tracks from a special catalog - and then take them right into the DJ3K game! There's been some talk of yellow puffles being quite enthusiastic about the update to the DJ3K game... We'll have to see what that's all about on Friday.

Monday, June 22, 2009

CP Series 3 Book Cheats

Here's the hidden item in the CP Series 3 book:

Click on the right tree on page 10 to get a full bee costume.

Thats it!

New room found on CP Sneak Peek

Hey guys! Danlour's here! Do you guys remember that sneak peek that I post about the new room coming really soon? Well, here it is:
I found where the sneak peek room came from. It's from the dojo courtyard.Doesn't this look like a path?I think is a clue from CP! Also, if your not a ninja, put your cursor on the ninja secret room door. The big brick door will slide down and you will see a note from sensei!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Cp Upcoming Events!

During the next few months, there's so much thing happening! Here's a sneak peek of some of the things to come:

Club Penguin is working super duper really-really hard to make these next few months special things. Sometime in July, the Music Jam will be back! The Mystery of the Ruby at the Stage is returning as well! And there will be a new Penguin Style, and Better Igloos catalog every month too! Next week, members will get some awesome new music for the DJ3K game in the night club! There’s going to be some construction for new places! Some famous penguins are also making cool appearances for the Music Jam like last year.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Limited 3 Month Membership!

Hey guys! You can now get a limited 3 month membership on CP!!! It costs $17.95 Australian Dollar. But it ends July 15 so you have to get it !Thats it 4 now!

Waddle off!

Pin & Better Igloo Catalog's Cheats

Hey Everyone!
I'm soo Happy! Because I'm going to camp! Well, that's on November. lol!

Ok, the watermelon pin is in the lighthouse:Club Penguin also released a new furniture catalog today.click on the bamboo torch to get the LCD Television!Click on the Medieval Banner to get the Penguin Knight.Click on the lowest plant on the Poodle Plant to get the Wheelbarrow.Click on the right Corn Plant to get the Picket Fence.And Hey! The soccer pitch is back!!!Woo Hoo!

That's it, Waddle Off!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Puffle Glitch

Hey guys, today I went to my igloo and look, I saw my puffle on the wall!!! How did this happen?!?! Puffle's can't climb. Cant they? This is not an edit its true!Thats it for now!


Pin and Adventure party scavenger hunt cheats!

Remember when Club Penguin asked us to choose the new pin coming next month? (I didn't post about it but, it is on the CP blog) The votes was due yesterday. The winner is… THE UMBRELLA PIN! It will be hidden somewhere in clubpenguin next month.

Here are the Club Penguin Adventure Party scavenger hunt cheats:

1. Click on the binoculars in the upper right part of the screen to start.

2. Go to the pool, and click on the fish.

3. Go to the Cove and click on the big curly leaf.

4. Go to the Dock and click on the little turtle.

5. Go to the Snow Forts and click on the bush by the super pool sign twice.

6. Go to the Iceberg and click the shooting water on the top left corner, then the whale that pops up.

7. Go to the Plaza and click on the flower in the upper right.

8. Go to the Beach, and click on the bubbles in the water for the jelly fish.

9. Finally, go to the Forest and click on the flower.

10. Collect the free Club Penguin Adventure Party background:

Congratulations! You’ve completed the Adventure Party Scavenger Hunt.

Thats it for now, and sorry no pictures. Thats because it will take a long time to load the pictures.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Adventure Party Sneak Peek!

Are you ready to explore Club Penguin with your friends?! The Adventure party comes on June 12 - 16th! Here’s a sneak peek:

Next Friday, you'll be able to discover Club Penguin like you never have before! There will be many things to find on a scavenger hunt, a member-only tree house, underground ruins to explore, and secrets in the Forest.... And don't forget to look in the Gift Shop at the new Penguin Style catalog for things that might help you explore! Get ready to discover what we hope is an awesome new Club Penguin adventure!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Clubpenguin Cheats!

The new pin is at the book room. Its a safari hat pin.Today's 101 days of fun activity is to drill on the ice burgThats it! Cya around!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

3 Clubpenguin Cheats

I've got some awesome news for penguins down under who have been asking for Club Penguin toys! For all of you who've been waiting so long, Limited Edition Penguins, Mix N' Match Figures, and Pet Puffles will finally be available in Australia and New Zealand starting mid-June! Australia will also see the first set of the Card-Jitsu Trading Cards soon!
In Australia, you can check out the toys at Toys"R"Us, and then later on at Kmart. In New Zealand, you'll find them at Farmers on 9th June. if you're in or around the Moore Park Toys"R"Us in Sydney, Clubpenguin wants you to help your Club Penguin community celebrate their arrival by attending a special event:

Where: Toys"R"Us, Retail Supa Centre, Moore Park, NSW, 2033
What day: Tuesday, June 9th, 2009
What time: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

other news...

On June 4th, Thursday, the Club Penguin times is going to have something new everyday for penguins! There will be a checklist of new things to do, discover, and check off everyday for 101 days! That’s a lot of new stuff to do!

I guess they’re doing this because they know we will have extra time to play over the summer(United States) and Queens Birthday when we have our break from school. When does your school get out for summer? I’ve got 3 more days! by the way, Rockhopper has left Club Penguin. I miss that pirate already! but luckily i got his background!

The other news....

Remember voting for which of those wigs would be in the next clothing catalog? Well on Friday, the new Penguin Style catalog comes out, and the blue wig we voted for will be in there! Check out this sketch of some of the new clothing items coming Friday!!!:

The adventure party comes June 12th. I have a feeling it’ll have something to do with Rockhopper’s plants. What do you think about his plants?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Danlour's Birthday is TODAY!!!!

Hey Guys! Today is my Birthday!!! My mom is making me a saweeet cake! Well, that's what she said. I will also having our 1st party!If you can't see the thingy up there, here are the Instruction:

When? 6th June 2009 at 1:00 AM PST
Where? Sleet at the Dock
Why? Danlour's 14th Birthday
